Atlas, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 49 x 65 x 50 cm. Photo: David Stjernholm
Atlas, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 49 x 65 x 50 cm.
Atlas, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 49 x 65 x 50 cm. Photo: David Stjernholm
Third Eye, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 69 x 65 x 40 cm. Photo: David Stjernholm
Third Eye, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 69 x 65 x 40 cm. Photo: David Stjernholm
Third Eye, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 69 x 65 x 40 cm
Third Eye, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 69 x 65 x 40 cm
Wrestling Brothers as Venus, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 62 x 65 x 40 cm. Photo: David Stjernholm
Wrestling Brothers as Venus, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 62 x 65 x 40 cm. Photo: David Stjernholm
Wrestling Brothers as Venus, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 62 x 65 x 40 cm
Wrestling Brothers as Venus, 2022. Bronze & stainless steel. 62 x 65 x 40 cm

Atlas, 2022, Third Eye, 2022 & Wrestling Brothers as Venus, 2022

Series of sculptural works in bronze & stainless steel

Atlas, 2022, Third Eye, 2022 & Wrestling Brothers as Venus, 2022

Series of sculptural works in bronze & stainless steel

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